

Management Process

Key processes and activities

The contract management process fell under the operations function as an enabling service managed by the Chief Operating Officer. ENS availed tax and various legal resources to support the Fund to carry out its operations and remain compliant with laws and regulations.

  • Contracts were initiated when required and were written to ensure that the activities and responsibilities of all parties were clearly articulated and aligned to the requirements of the Fund.
  • The appropriate executive would brief ENS as to the intention of the project, invite ENS and the COO to negotiations with implementing parties. The CEO got involved in more difficult negotiations. ENS drafted almost all of the Fund’s contracts.
  • The full sign off of contracts was verified before commencing with implementation.
  • The execution of obligations against contract terms for all contracts was tracked by the project team.
  • The diverse partner network, including those providing support services to the Fund, and those who are part of the supply of goods, was managed through contracts.

The Fund used SmartSheets as a master contract registry. Contracts were managed and signed through an encrypted adobe process to ensure the appropriate level of controls.


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